Selasa, 14 Juni 2016

Perbandingan Alokasi Waktu Tenaga Kerja Wanita dan Pria Dalam Usaha Penggemukkan Sapi di Kecamatan Hamparan Perak Kabupaten deli Serdang (Comparative of Woman and Man Worker Time Allocation in Fattening of Cattle in Subdistrict of Hamparan Perak District of Deli Serdang)

Abstract - The research was conducted in Subdistrict of Hamparan Perak, District of Deli Serdang in June 2004. This research was aimed to know the magnitude of woman worker time allocation and whether there is the difference in time allocation of men and women workers in fattening of cattle in Subdistrict of Hamparan Perak. The method of research used was survey method by unit of family analysis who keep the cattles. The result of research indicated that time allocation of woman workers in fattening the cattle was 0.42 hour/day and men workers was 2.29 hour/day. From the t-test , it was gained that allocation of women workers time was different significantly or very significant lower than that of men workers (2.29 hour/day). The low allocation of woman worker time allocation in this cattle keeping was caused by the less need of women in activities requiring time such as feeding the livestock, bathing them and cleaning the cages, abd the greatest allocation was in taking of greening generally practised by men workers.

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